Cowboy Dressage – Understanding the Cowboy Dressage Court DVD



Cowboy Dressage – Understanding the Cowboy Dressage Court DVD

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Simple and Rider Friendly

Do you want to understand the beauty, reasoning and use of the newly designed Cowboy Dressage Court? Do you want to find out why it is so innovative and western rider and horse friendly? This DVD with diagrams and actual tests will show you what makes this court so simple and fun. Not only is the court designed specifically for today’s western horse it builds and trains the horse as you ride the tests and court.

The old world history of the Dressage Court and today’s Cowboy Dressage Court has been intertwined creating a new Western Division based on the foundation of Dressage but not ruled by it. The Cowboy Dressage Court is where the freedom and the partnership of the western horse and rider are expressed.

If you want to show Cowboy Dressage this DVD will enhance your ride and understanding of Cowboy Dressage. The tests are full of gymnastic exercises, transitions, and gaits that will build your western horse within the traditions of Western Horsemanship and Lifestyle.

As a bonus Eitan and Santa Fe Renegade do what they do best… entertain!

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