EDIX® Django Treeless Western Saddle TRIAL



Try before you buy - Edix Medium Django Saddle available to hire for a week at a time. If you decide to order a saddle, the cost of hire, minus postage, is deducted from your total order.

Price includes the recommended pad. Please note: full value for saddle, pad, and any accessories will be charged, and will be refunded, on the return of the saddle minus a £75 total hire fee plus insured postage.

The EDIX® Django a fully treeless Western saddle made by hand of original Argentina Cowhide leather with a beautiful tooling and refined classical appearance.

Use the saddle for long trail rides, Western riding, or other disciplines . The great twist of the saddle offers a narrow , comfortable deep and secure seat. The seat is foam padded and finished with a brushed cow leather. The gullet of the saddle can be adjusted by changing the exchangeable pommel. In the same style as the saddle there are Django fenders and leather covered stirrups.

The pad that comes with the complete set is the EDIX® 8 pocket treeless saddle pad with inlays however recommendations can be made during your free consultation based on your horses conformation. 

Complete Set includes, medium arch saddle, stirrups, fenders and saddlepad.


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