Puppy Culture - Puppy Scent Games DVD



Puppy Culture - Puppy Scent Games DVD

What could be more fun than to sit back and watch puppies use their almost miraculous gift of scent to solve problems? There’s no better or more meaningful enrichment for puppies than scent games!

84 minutes. Originally broadcast live on September 17th 2015.

In this episode, we are joined by Ellen Griffin, tracking instructor at the Syracuse Obedience Training Club. Ellen, with her infectious passion for “all things scent,” guides us through fun and easy scent games that will enrich and delight any dog or puppy.

Various games are demonstrated by puppies aged 5 weeks through 9 months old and all games are suitable for dogs of any age.

While all of the games in the video are suitable and fun for any dog or puppy, if you want to go on to a performance career, this video will give your puppy a great foundation for tracking or obedience. Ellen has trained three dogs to their AKC Tracking Dog title and one to an AKC Tracking Dog Excellent title and she is the first person in the history of the AKC to put a TDX on a Bull Terrier, so she’s full of creative ideas not just for enrichment, but for motivation, as well.

A clip from the DVD: https://player.vimeo.com/video/151089981

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